LAWA Noise Management

Community Noise Roundtable

The LAX/Community Noise Roundtable was created in September 2000 to provide an interactive forum to address current aircraft noise issues associated with aircraft operations to, from and at Los Angeles International Airport. Membership of the Roundtable consists of local elected officials and staff, representatives of congressional offices, members of recognized community groups, the FAA, the airlines and LAWA. This forum provides a mechanism to identify and address noise concerns by recommending courses of action to LAWA, the FAA, or other responsible entity that could reduce noise over affected communities.

The Roundtable currently meets on the third Wednesday of every odd numbered month and may schedule additional meetings as needed. The Roundtable will meet via video conference until further notice. Any update to the meeting schedule or format will be posted on this webpage.

Upcoming Meeting Dates and Times:

  • Regular Meeting - September 18, 2024, 1:30 PM

This virtual meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Members of the public may join the meeting as follows:

Join on your computer, mobile device or tablet using the Microsoft Teams App or compatible web browser:
Teams Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 242 626 855 697
Passcode: N7GkRr

Download Microsoft Teams App | Join on the web

Or to join by phone (audio only): 
Call-in Number: 1 323-792-6246   
Phone Conference ID: 486 700 629 #  

Instructions for Public Comment During Meeting
1. Join the meeting using the information provided above using the Teams App or a compatible web browser, or by phone. If joining online (Teams App or web browser), please be sure to enter your name when prompted at login so we can easily call on you when it is your turn to speak.


2. If joining online, click on the “raise-hand” icon when the Chairperson calls for the item on which you wish you speak. The Chairperson will then call on/unmute you in turn to speak.


3. If joining by phone, enter *5 on your keypad to “raise your hand” when the Chairperson calls for the item on which you wish you speak. The Chairperson will then call on you in turn to speak; be sure to enter *6 to unmute yourself when called upon. 


Sign language interpreters, communication access real-time transcription, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Due to difficulties in securing sign language interpreters, five (5) or more business days' notice is strongly recommended. For additional information, please contact the LAWA ADA Coordinator at (424) 646-5005 or via California Relay Service at 711. 



Date Title
09/18/24 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/17/24 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/15/24 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/20/24 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/17/24 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/15/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/20/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/19/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
05/17/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
03/15/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
01/18/23 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
01/11/23 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
12/14/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
11/16/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
10/19/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
09/21/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
09/14/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
08/17/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
07/20/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
07/13/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
06/15/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
05/18/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/11/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
04/13/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
03/16/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/16/22 Agenda — Special Meeting (AB 361)
01/19/22 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/17/21 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/15/21 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
07/14/21 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/19/21 Agenda — Regular Meeting
 03/10/21  Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/20/21 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/18/20 Agenda — Regular Meeting
Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/08/20 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/11/20 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/08/20 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/13/19  Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/11/19 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/10/19 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/08/19 Agenda — Regular Meeting 
03/13/19 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/09/19 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/14/18  Agenda — Regular Meeting
Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/11/18 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/09/18 Agenda — Regular Meeting
Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/10/18 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/08/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/20/17 Agenda — Special Meeting
09/13/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/12/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/10/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/08/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/11/17 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/09/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/09/16 Agenda — 101 Session
10/12/16 Agenda — Special Meeting
09/14/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/13/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/08/16 Agenda — Special Meeting
05/11/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/09/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/13/16 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/10/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/09/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/08/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/13/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/11/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/14/15 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/12/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/10/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/09/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/14/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/12/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/08/14 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/13/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/11/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/10/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/08/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/13/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/09/13 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/14/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/12/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/11/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/09/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/14/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/11/12 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/09/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/14/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/13/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/11/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/13/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/09/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/12/11 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/10/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/20/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/14/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/12/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/10/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/13/10 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/18/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/09/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/08/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/10/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/13/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/08/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/11/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/11/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/14/09 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/12/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/08/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/10/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/09/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/11/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/14/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/09/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/12/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/13/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/09/08 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/14/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/10/07 Agenda — Special Meeting
09/19/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/18/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/13/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/09/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/14/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/14/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/10/07 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/08/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/13/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/12/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/10/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/15/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/08/06 Agenda — Noise Subcommittee Meeting
01/11/06 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/09/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/12/05 Agenda — Noise Subcommittee Meeting
09/14/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/13/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/08/05 Agenda — Special Meeting
05/11/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
03/09/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/09/05 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/12/05 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/10/04 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/13/04 Agenda — Special Meeting
07/14/04 Agenda — Regular Meeting
06/09/04 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
05/12/04 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/14/04 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/17/04 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/11/04 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/14/04 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/12/03 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/22/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
10/15/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
10/08/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
09/17/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
09/10/03 Agenda — Regular Meeting
08/27/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
08/13/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
08/06/03 Agenda — Special Meeting
06/11/03 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
04/09/03 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/26/03 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/22/03 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/13/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/16/02 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
09/11/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
08/07/02 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
07/10/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
05/08/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/10/02 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/13/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/13/02 Agenda — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/09/02 Agenda — Regular Meeting
11/14/01 Agenda — Regular Meeting
07/11/01 Agenda — Regular Meeting
04/11/01 Agenda — Regular Meeting
02/14/01 Agenda — Regular Meeting
01/10/01 Agenda — Regular Meeting
12/13/00 Agenda — Regular Meeting
12/13/00 Agenda — Formation Subcommittee Meeting
11/08/00 Agenda — Regular Meeting
10/11/00 Agenda — Regular Meeting
09/13/00 Agenda — Regular Meeting


Date Title
07/17/24 Recap — Regular Meeting 
05/15/24 Recap — Regular Meeting

Recap — Regular Meeting

01/17/24 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/15/23 Recap — Regular Meeting 
09/20/23 Recap — Regular Meeting  
07/19/23 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/17/23 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/15/23 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/18/23 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/16/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/21/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/20/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/18/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/16/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/16/22 Recap — Special Meeting
01/19/22 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/17/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/15/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/14/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/19/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/10/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/20/21 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/18/20 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/16/20 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/08/20 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/11/20 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/08/20 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/13/19 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/11/19 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/10/19 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/08/19 Recap — Regular Meeting 
03/13/19 Recap — Regular Meeting 
01/09/19 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/14/18 Recap — Regular Meeting
Recap — Regular Meeting
07/11/18 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/09/18 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/14/18 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/10/18 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/08/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/20/17 Recap — Special Meeting
09/13/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/12/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/10/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/08/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/11/17 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/09/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/12/16 Recap — Special Meeting
09/14/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/13/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/08/16 Recap — Special Meeting
05/11/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/09/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/13/16 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/10/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/09/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/08/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/13/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/11/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/14/15 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/12/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/10/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/09/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/14/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/12/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/08/14 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/13/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/11/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/10/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/08/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/13/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/09/13 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/14/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/12/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/11/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/09/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/14/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/11/12 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/09/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/14/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/13/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/11/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/13/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/09/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/12/11 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/10/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/20/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/14/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/12/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/10/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/13/10 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/18/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/09/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/08/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/10/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/13/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/08/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/11/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/11/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/14/09 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/12/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/08/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/10/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/09/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/11/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/14/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/09/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/12/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/13/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/09/08 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/14/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/10/07 Recap — Special Meeting
09/19/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/18/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/13/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/09/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/14/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/14/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/10/07 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/08/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/13/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/12/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/10/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/15/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/08/06 Recap — Noise Subcommittee Meeting
01/11/06 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/09/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/12/05 Recap — Noise Subcommittee Meeting
09/14/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/13/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/08/05 Recap — Special Meeting
05/11/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
03/09/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/09/05 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/12/05 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/10/04 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/13/04 Recap — Special Meeting
07/14/04 Recap — Regular Meeting
06/09/04 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
05/12/04 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/14/04 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/17/04 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/11/04 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/14/04 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/12/03 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/22/03 Recap — Special Meeting
10/15/03 Recap — Special Meeting
10/08/03 Recap — Special Meeting
09/17/03 Recap — Special Meeting
09/10/03 Recap — Regular Meeting
08/27/03 Recap — Special Meeting
08/13/03 Recap — Special Meeting
08/06/03 Recap — Special Meeting
06/11/03 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
04/09/03 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/26/03 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/22/03 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/13/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/16/02 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
09/11/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
08/07/02 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
07/10/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
05/08/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/10/02 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
03/13/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/13/02 Recap — Flight Track Data Subcommittee Meeting
01/09/02 Recap — Regular Meeting
11/14/01 Recap — Regular Meeting
07/11/01 Recap — Regular Meeting
04/11/01 Recap — Regular Meeting
02/14/01 Recap — Regular Meeting
01/10/01 Recap — Regular Meeting
12/13/00 Recap — Regular Meeting
12/13/00 Recap — Formation Subcommittee Meeting
11/08/00 Recap — Regular Meeting
10/11/00 Recap — Regular Meeting
09/13/00 Recap — Regular Meeting

Presentations & Other Materials

Date Title
09/18/24  LAX Fly Quieter Program Update 
09/18/24  FAA Reauthorization Bill - Review of Noise Provisions


HARD Summer Music Festival Article
09/18/24  Educational Series: Noise Measurement
09/18/24  Statistical Update (PV & EDA)
07/17/24  OAK Community Noise Management Forum Overview
Educational Series: Aircraft Noise Mitigation 
07/17/24  LAX Residential Sound Insulation Program - Update
07/17/24  Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around & PV)
05/15/24  Update on FAA Noise Policy Review 
05/15/24  Update on FAA Reauthorization Bill
05/15/24  Caltrans AAM in the Transportation System
05/15/24  Statistical Update (25L & PV)
03/20/24  NASA Quesst Mission 
03/20/24  Update on LADYJ Modification Proposal
03/20/24  Statistical Update (PV & EDA)
01/17/24  KYLOW & STHBY Departures 
01/17/24 Wisk AAM Presentation
01/17/24  Joby AAM Presentation
01/17/24  Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around & PV)
11/15/23 SEA Stakeholder Advisory Round Table 
11/15/23 Advanced Air Mobility 
11/15/23 LAX Sound Insulation Program 
11/15/23 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
09/20/23 25L Arrival Procedures
09/20/23 Air Traffic Control 101
09/20/23 Educational Series: Noise Modeling 
09/20/23 Statistical Update (MP & PV) 
07/19/23 FAA Noise Policy Review
07/19/23 FAA Reauthorization Bill
07/19/23 LAX Fly Quieter Program Update 
07/19/23 Statistical Update (25L & PV)
05/17/23 Briefing on UC Davis Symposium
05/17/23 FAA Noise Policy Review 
05/17/23 Briefing on Updated Preferential Runway Use Report 
05/17/23 Alaska Airlines Presentation 
05/17/23 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
03/15/23 Noise Educational Series: Sound Propagation & Contours
03/15/23 Statistical Update (MP & PV) 
01/18/23 Noise Educational Series: Title 21 & Noise Metrics
01/18/23 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
 11/16/22 O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission 
 11/16/22 LAX Sound Insulation Program
 11/16/22 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
09/21/22 Member Update on LADYJ
09/21/22 LAX Fly Quieter Program Update
09/21/22 Educational Series - Noise Regulations
09/21/22 Statistical Update (MP & PV) 
07/20/22 FAA LADYJ Presentation 
07/20/22 Member Update on LADYJ 
07/20/22 FAA North Downwind Option B Presentation 
07/20/22 Member Update on North Downwind Option B 
07/20/22 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
05/18/22 IFP Gateway Process & Timeline 
05/18/22 JUUSE Waypoint Relocation 
05/18/22 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
03/16/22 Update on LADYJ Modification Proposal 
03/16/22 Metroplex Ad Hoc Update 
03/16/22 Update on Noise Monitoring System Replacement 
03/16/22 Statistical Update (PV & EDA)  
01/19/22 Air Traffic 101
01/19/22  Metroplex Ad Hoc Update 
01/19/22 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
11/17/21 DCA Community Working Group Presentation 
11/17/21 LAX Residential Sound Insulation Update 
11/17/21 Metroplex Ad Hoc Update 
11/17/21 Aircraft Noise 101 
11/17/21 Proposed Legislation 
11/17/21 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
09/15/21 FAA Noise Portal 
09/15/21 Metroplex Ad Hoc presentation 
09/15/21 LADYJ Modification Proposal 
09/15/21 LAX Fly Quieter Program Update 
09/15/21 Statistical Update (PV & EDA)
07/14/21 FAA Presentation on RNP Procedures
07/14/21 Metroplex Ad Hoc presentation
07/14/21 Spirit Presentation on Noise Abatement
07/14/21  North Downwind Option B Proposal 
07/14/21  Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
05/19/21  Metroplex Ad Hoc Update 
05/19/21 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
03/10/21 FAA Neighborhood Environmental Survey 
03/10/21  Metroplex Ad Hoc Update 
03/10/21  UC Davis Symposium Briefing
03/10/21 Proposed Legislation on Aircraft Noise Issues 
03/10/21 Statistical Update (PV & EDA) 
01/20/21 Metroplex Ad Hoc Update
01/20/21 LAX Sound Insulation Programs 
01/20/21 Evaluation of Speed on Aircraft Noise
01/20/21 Roundtable 101 Educational Briefing
01/20/21 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
11/18/20 Airfield & Terminal Modernization Project 
11/18/20 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
11/18/20  COVID-19 Effects on Operations, Noise & Complaints 
11/18/20 Aviation Noise News 
11/18/20 Statistical Update (25L & PV) 
Charlotte Roundtable Presentation
09/16/20 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
Aviation Noise News
09/16/20 Statistical Update (PV & EDA)
07/08/20 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
07/08/20 Proposed Legislation on Aircraft Noise Issues
07/08/20 FAA's Report on Alternative Noise Metrics
07/08/20 Aviation Noise News 
07/08/20  Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)
03/11/20 Proposed Legislation on Aircraft Noise Issues 
03/11/20 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
03/11/20 LAWA Efforts to Reduce OOO Deviation
03/11/20 Aviation Noise News
03/11/20 Statistical Update (PV & EDA)
01/08/20 Evaluation of North Downwind Route Alternatives 
01/08/20 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
01/08/20 Aviation Noise News 
01/08/20 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-around, & PV)  
11/13/19 UC Davis Noise Symposium
11/13/19 FAA TSAS Presentation 
11/13/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
11/13/19 LAX Fly Quieter Program
11/13/19 Aircraft Noise 101 Part 2 
11/13/19 Aviation Noise News 
11/13/19 Statistical Update (25L & PV)
09/11/19 Roundtable 101 
09/11/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
09/11/19 LAX Fly Quieter Program 
09/11/19 Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Roundtable 
09/11/19 Aviation Noise News
09/11/19 Statistical Update (PV and EDA)
07/10/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
07/10/19 Community Proposal for North Downwind Arrivals
07/10/19 Aircraft Noise 101 
07/10/19 Emerging Aircraft Technology 
07/10/19 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around, and PV)
05/08/19 Air Traffic 101 
05/08/19 ATC Efforts on DAHJR Compliance 
05/08/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
05/08/19 Aviation Noise News 
05/08/19 Statistical Update (25L and PV) 
03/13/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
03/13/19 ACRP Helicopter Study
03/13/19 Aviation Noise News 
03/13/19 Statistical Update (PV and EDA) 
01/09/19 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
01/09/19 Low Frequency Noise 
01/09/19 Sound Insulation Programs 
01/09/19 Aviation Noise News 
01/09/19 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around, and PV)
11/14/18 Noise Comment Management System - Viewpoint 
11/14/18 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
11/14/18 Aircraft Noise Provisions - FAA Reauthorization
11/14/18 Statistical Update (25L and PV) 
09/12/18 360 at South Bay Noise Evaluation 
09/12/18 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation
09/12/18 Aviation Noise News
09/12/18 Statistical Update (PV and EDA)
07/11/18 Metroplex Ad Hoc Presentation 
07/11/18 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around, and PV)
07/11/18 Aviation Noise News
05/09/18 Ad Hoc Committee Presentation Part 1 
05/09/18 Ad Hoc Committee Presentation Part 2 
05/09/18 UC Davis Symposium Briefing 
05/09/18 Aviation Noise News 
05/09/18 Statistical Update (25L and PV) 
03/14/18 Ad Hoc Committee Presentation 
03/14/18 Palos Verdes Overflights 
03/14/18 Aviation Noise News 
03/14/18 Statistical Update (EDA) 
01/10/18  Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, and Go-Around)
01/10/18  Long Beach Analysis
01/10/18  Aviation Noise News
01/10/18  Ad Hoc Presentation
11/08/17  United A320 Vortex Generator
11/08/17 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
11/08/17  Aviation Noise News
09/20/17 Presentation on 5 new or revised procedures
09/20/17 Possible new or revised procedures
09/13/17 Statistical Update (ST and EDA)
09/13/17 SFO Roundtable Presentation
09/13/17 DAHJR Altitude Analysis
09/13/17 Aviation Noise News
07/12/17 Status Update on Sound Insulation Programs
07/12/17 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, and Go-Around)
07/12/17 Preliminary Analysis of PV Overflights
07/12/17 Aviation Noise News
05/10/17 UC Davis Symposium Summary
05/10/17 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
05/10/17 Extended Downwind Approach Comparison
05/10/17 Aviation Noise News
03/08/17 Statistical Update (ST and EDA)
03/08/17 LAWA Update on Metroplex
03/08/17 HR 598 Airplane Impacts Mitgation Act
03/08/17 Aviation Noise News
01/11/17 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, and Go-Around)
01/11/17 Discussion on Improving Meeting Format
11/09/16 Summary of Monterey Park Recommendations
11/09/16 Statistical Presentation (25L and PV)
11/09/16 Roundtable 101 Session
11/09/16 FAA North Downwind Arrivals Presentation
10/12/16 FAA SoCal Metroplex Briefing
09/14/16 Statistical Update (MP and ST)
09/14/16 Review of Monterey Park Recommendations
09/14/16 Review of Metroplex Final EA
09/14/16 La Habra Heights Analysis
07/13/16 Update on Sound Insulation Programs
07/13/16 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
07/13/16 Monterey Park Presentation
07/13/16 LAWA Metroplex Briefing
07/13/16 Follow-Up Discussion on North Arrival Study
07/13/16 Aviation Noise News
06/08/16 North Arrival Study Results
05/11/16 Statistical Presentation (25L and PV)
05/11/16 Aviation Noise News
05/11/16 ACRP 02-44 Helicopter Noise Modeling Guidance
03/09/16 UC Davis Noise Symposium
03/09/16 Statistical Update (Loop, MP, ST)
03/09/16 Stage 5 Noise Standard
03/09/16 Aviation Noise News
03/09/16 A320 Vortex Generator
01/13/16 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
01/13/16 LAX North Arrivals
01/13/16 Aviation Noise News
01/13/16 A320 Vortex Presentation
11/10/15 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
11/10/15 Pros and Cons of CNEL
11/10/15 LAX Noise Complaints
11/10/15 Aviation Noise News
11/10/15 A320 Outreach Efforts
09/09/15 Statistical Update (Loop, MP, ST)
09/09/15 RSA Update and Related Operations
09/09/15 RSA Project
09/09/15 Ground Run Up Enclosure
09/09/15 Aviation Noise News
07/08/15 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
07/08/15 Review of Metroplex Procedures
07/08/15 Noise Mitigation Programs
07/08/15 Aviation Noise News
05/13/15 Statistical Presentation (25L and PV)
05/13/15 So Cal Metroplex EA Process
05/13/15 LAX Part 150 NEM Update
05/13/15 Aviation Noise News
03/11/15 Update on LOOP Departure Test
03/11/15 Statistical Update (LOOP, ST, MP)
03/11/15 LAX Part 161 Final Update
03/11/15 Aviation Noise News
01/14/15 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
01/14/15 LAX Part 150 NEM Update
01/14/15 Aviation Noise News
11/12/14 Update on SFO Roundtable
11/12/14 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
11/12/14 Noise from A320 Family of Aircraft
11/12/14 Aviation Noise News
11/12/14 Aircraft Noise 101
09/10/14 Statistical Update (Loop, MP, ST)
09/10/14 LAX Heliport Update
09/10/14 FAA Consideration of CatEx 2
09/10/14 Aviation Noise News
09/10/14 Air Traffic Control 101
07/09/14 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
07/09/14 LAX Part 161 Presentation
07/09/14 FAA Briefing on LOOP Departure
07/09/14 Aviation Noise News
07/09/14 ACRP Discussion
05/14/14 Status Report on Noise Mitigation Programs
05/14/14 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
05/14/14 LAX Part 150 NEM Update
05/14/14 Briefing on Preferential Runway Use Report
05/14/14 Aviation Noise News
03/12/14 UC Davis Noise Symposium 2014
03/12/14 LAX Part 150 NEM Update
03/12/14 Aviation Noise News
03/12/14 ACRP Report on Guidelines for Sound Insulation Programs
01/08/14 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
01/08/14 PDX Presentation
01/08/14 FAA Presentation on So Cal OAPM
01/08/14 Aviation Noise News
11/13/13 Statistical Update (25L and PV)
11/13/13 Review of Recent Health Studies
11/13/13 Fed Ex Noise Mitigation Efforts
11/13/13 Aviation Noise News Presentation
09/11/13 Statistical Update (LOOP, Extended Downwind, Short Turn)
09/11/13 Aviation Noise News Update
07/10/13 Update on LAX Tailored Arrivals
07/10/13 Statistical Update (East Dep, Early Turn, Go-Around)
07/10/13 Aviation Noise News Update
07/10/13 ACRP FY2014 Problem Statements for Research Consideration
05/08/13 Status Update on Noise Mitigation Programs
05/08/13 Part 161 Update
05/08/13 Aviation Noise News Update
03/13/13 Update on ICAO-CAEP Aircraft Noise Stringency Standards
03/13/13 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
03/13/13 Briefing on SMO and LAX Departure Delay Issue
03/13/13 Aviation Noise News Update
01/09/13 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
01/09/13 FAA Presentation on OAPM Process
01/09/13 Aviation Noise News Update
11/14/12 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
11/14/12 LAX Part 161 Presentation
11/14/12 Aviation Noise News Update
09/12/12 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
09/12/12 Roundtable Recommendations for FAA consideration for OAPM
09/12/12 Aviation Noise News Update
07/11/12 Windsor Hills Noise Investigation
07/11/12 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
07/11/12 Aviation Noise News Update
07/11/12 ACRP FY2013 Problem Statements for Research Consideration
05/09/12 Status Report on Noise Mitigation Programs
05/09/12 Aviation Noise News Update
05/09/12 Aircraft Noise 101
03/14/12 Update on LAX Part 161 Study
03/14/12 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
03/14/12 Briefing on UC Davis Noise Symposium
03/14/12 Aviation Noise News Update
01/11/12 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
01/11/12 LAX Part 161 Study Update
01/11/12 FAA Presentation on LAX Arrivals near La Habra Hts
01/11/12 Aviation Noise News Update
01/11/12 ACRP FY 2013 Focus Area
11/09/11 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
11/09/11 Establish Working Relationships with Other Roundtables
11/09/11 Aviation Noise News Update
09/14/11 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
09/14/11 LAX Land Use Mitigation Programs
09/14/11 FAA Analysis of LAX Arrivals near La Habra Heights
09/14/11 Aviation Noise News Update
09/11/11 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
07/13/11 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operations
07/13/11 Aviation Noise News Update
05/11/11 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
05/11/11 Aviation Noise News Update
04/13/11 Update on LAX Part 161 Study
04/13/11 LAWA Analysis of LAX Arrivals near La Habra Hts
04/13/11 Aviation Noise News Update
03/09/11 East Operations Analysis
03/09/11 Aviation Noise News Update
01/12/11 Aviation Noise News Update
11/10/10 Status Update on Airspace Redesign Project
11/10/10 Statistical Update on LAX Aircraft Operations
11/10/10 Aviation Noise News Update
09/20/10 Low Frequency Noise Presentation
09/20/10 First Look at LFN Data from Noise Monitoring System
09/20/10 Aviation Noise News Update
07/14/10 Summary of Noise Information on A380
07/14/10 Runway 25L Departure Analysis
07/14/10 Aviation Noise News Update
05/12/10 Statistical Update on Aircraft Operating Procedures
05/12/10 Interim Taxiways Safety Improvement Project
03/10/10 ACRP Report on Noise Issues Outside 65 DNL
01/13/10 NASA Oceanic Tailored Arrivals
11/18/09 Stats on Aircraft In-Flight Procedures
09/09/09 Stats on LAX Runway Use
09/09/09 Southwest RNP Presentation
09/09/09 NextGen Presentation
07/08/09 SFO Roundtable Presentation
07/08/09 Noise Analysis of Certain LAX Operations
06/10/09 Update on FAA Reauthorization Bill
06/10/09 Roundtable Funding Discussion
05/13/09 Stats on LAX Runway Use
05/13/09 Pratt and Whitney Presentation
04/08/09 Stats on Aircraft In-Flight Procedures
04/08/09 Part 36 Aircraft Noise Certification Stages
03/11/09 Noise Symposium Presentation
03/11/09 Noise 101 Presentation
02/11/09 Stats on LAX Runway Use
02/11/09 Noise Comparison B744 vs. A380
09/10/08 LAX South Runways Utilization Analysis
07/09/08 Stats on Aircraft In-Flight Procedures
06/11/08 Airbus A380 Presentation
05/14/08 Ground Run-Up Monitor
02/13/08 Stats on Aircraft In-Flight Procedures
01/09/08 RNAV Procedures Update by Walter White
11/14/07 Stats on Aircraft In-Flight Procedures
07/18/07 Holtz7 Data Comparison 2007
01/10/07 Runway 25L Closure Analysis
11/08/06 Update on LAX Departures - Walter White
05/10/06 LAX SPAS Presentation
02/09/05 FTDS Flight Tracks Presentation
01/14/04 Flight Tracks Presentation
03/26/03 FAA PV Presentation to Roundtable
10/16/02 LAX Part 161 Study Presentation
08/07/02 FAA KWYET Procedure Presentation
10/11/00 NOMAD Data Collection


Date Title
01/04/24 CD11 Appointment of New Representative
09/27/23 Letter supporting Noise Provisions in FAA Reauthorization Bill
09/22/23 Roundtable Comment Letter on Noise Policy Review 
05/17/23 Woodland Hills NC Membership Letter
03/16/23 City of Malibu Membership Letter 
03/03/23 Council District 11 Appointment of New Representatives
02/22/23 Hermosa Beach Appointment of New Representatives
01/18/23 At-Large Membership Reappointment Letters 
09/20/22 FAA Response on LADYJ and Option B proposals 
08/11/22 Letter to FAA on LADYJ and Option B Proposals 
07/11/22 CD4 Membership Request Letter
 06/08/22 FAA Response with attachments on N Downwind Option B 
06/06/22 CD11 Appointment of New Representative 
 05/09/22 FAA Response on LADYJ Proposal and Alternative Option 
 04/14/22 Letter supporting Proposed Legislation 
03/30/22 Letter to FAA with Updated LADYJ Modification Proposal
 03/16/22 FAA Response to RT letter dated 1/26/22 
03/04/22 Membership Request from West Hills NC 
01/26/22  Roundtable letter on roles and responsibilities for IFP Gateway 
 01/06/22 Follow-Up Letter on JUUSE Waypoint Relocation
 12/22/21 FAA Follow-Up Response on LADYJ Modification Proposal
11/17/21 FAA Initial Response on LADYJ Modification Proposal 
09/27/21  Letter to FAA with LADYJ Modification Proposal 
09/08/21 FAA Initial Response on North Downwind Option B Proposal 
07/16/21  Letter to FAA with North Downwind Option B Proposal 
07/12/21  Letter supporting Proposed Legislation 
07/02/21 Membership Request from Woodland Hills-Warner Center NC 
03/23/21 SGVCOG Membership Request 
03/22/21 Comment Letter on FAA's Neighborhood Environmental Survey
01/20/21 At-large Membership Reappointment Letters
 11/19/20 Letter from City of Fontana on North Downwind Proposal 
 11/19/20 Letter from City of Whittier on North Downwind Proposal 
 11/16/20 Letter from City of Walnut on North Downwind Proposal 
 11/16/20 2nd Letter from City of Chino on North Downwind Proposal 
 11/10/20 Letter supporting USCM & NLC Resolutions 
 09/04/20 Letter from City of Chino on North Downwind Proposal
Letter on Proposed Legislation
07/08/20 Letter on Supersonic Aircraft Noise Certification
05/27/20  FAA response on Palos Verdes Overflights 
01/08/20 Letter to FAA on Palos Verdes Overflights
01/08/20 Letter to FAA on Noise Annoyance Survey 
Dec 19 - Apr 20  Responses from Airlines on RNP Procedures
10/24/19 Letters to Airlines on RNP Procedures
08/28/19  FAA's response on TSAS
05/08/19  Letter to FAA on relocating JUUSE waypoint
05/02/19  Letter to FAA on TSAS Tool 
04/15/19 ARSAC Membership Request 
03/05/19  Raintree HOA Membership Request 
02/27/19 Letter to FAA requesting support for data review and evaluation 
11/13/18  Hermosa Beach's Request for Membership
10/24/18 LAWA Letter to FAA on Charted Visual Flight Procedures 
07/27/18 FAA Response on PV Overflights
05/23/18 Letter to FAA on PV Overflights
May - Aug, 2018 Responses from Airlines on RNP Capabilities
04/16/18 Letters to Airlines on RNP capabilities
03/14/18 Letter on ATC Privatization 
02/27/18 FAA Follow-Up Response to Recent RT Letters
02/18/18 Request Support for Roundtable Autonomy
01/17/18 RT Letter from 1-10-18 Meeting
12/29/17 Invitation to FAA to Attend RT Meetings
11/21/17 RT Response to FAA declination of providing info on procedures
11/13/17 FAA Response to RT Letter dated 10-1-17
11/02/17 FAA Response to Roundtable Letter dated 9-23-17
10/01/17 Letter to FAA on DAHJR Waypoint
09/23/17 Letters to FAA on flight procedures and other matters
09/08/17 FAAs Response on TSAS Tool
08/22/17 Letter to FAA on TSAS Tool
03/29/17 Letter supporting H.R. 598 AIM Act
02/02/17 Letters to Jurisdictions Confirming Membership Standing
08/11/16 Letter to FAA on LAX Arrival Routes
03/23/16 Letter to FAA on Stage 5 Noise Standard
09/02/15 Letter to FAA regarding SoCal Metroplex Draft EA
06/11/15 Letter requesting extension of SoCal Metroplex comment period
04/08/15 Letter regarding GML retirement
10/15/14 Letter to FAA on Categorical Exclusion for PBN Procedures
07/09/14 Letter to Interested Parties on LAX Part 161
07/09/14 Letter to FAA on LAX Part 161
06/12/14 Culver City Letter of Request for Membership
03/17/14 Letter to BOAC on LAX Heliport
01/16/14 FAA Early Notification Letter for OAPM Environmental Assessment
01/08/14 FAA Response to Roundtable OAPM Letter
09/17/13 Letter to ACRP on Helicopter Routes
07/10/13 Letter to ACRP on FY2014 Problem Statements
05/08/13 Letters supporting L.A. Residential Helicopter Noise Relief Act of 2013
12/03/12 Letter to LAWA Supporting the LAX Part 161 Study
09/24/12 Letter to FAA regarding Program Guidance Letter
09/24/12 Letter to FAA on OAPM Recommendations with Attachments
07/11/12 Letter to ACRP on FY2013 Problem Statements for Research Selection
01/23/12 Letters to support Los Angeles Helicopter Noise Relief Act
01/13/12 Letter to ACRP on Focus Area for FY2013 Program
07/28/11 Letters to Janice Hahn and Senate Conferees on FAA Reauthorization Bill
07/15/11 Letter to ACRP on FY2012 Problem Statements for Research Selection
07/14/11 Letter from City of La Habra Heights to Join Roundtable
05/25/11 Letter on High Speed Rail Route to Palmdale
03/25/11 Letter on Categorical Exclusion
01/19/11 Letter to ACRP on Focus Area for FY2012 Program
12/03/10 Letter to FAA on JEDDD procedure--With Response
07/20/10 Letters to Congressional and Senatorial Reps on FAA Reauthorization Bill
07/20/10 Letter to ACRP supporting 4 research topics
07/12/10 Welcome Letters for New Members
04/21/10 LAWA letters to Airlines requesting their participation in RT
08/07/09 Letter from UHA regarding alternative representative
08/04/09 Letters to Jurisdictions Requesting Funding Support
04/08/09 LAWA Letter Regarding UC Symposium
03/11/09 Letters to Jurisdictions Requesting Participation at Roundtable
02/11/09 Letter to LAWA on Overlap of Meetings
02/11/09 Letter to FAA on Airspace Redesign Funding
01/14/09 Letters of Interest to serve as At-Large members
11/12/08 Letter to BOAC on facilitator funding issue
11/07/08 Letter from LAXACC on Roundtable Facilitator
10/09/08 Letter from Rosendahl on Roundtable Facilitator
08/05/08 Letter from LAXAAC on Change of Alternate Reps
06/11/08 Letter to BUR commenting on Part 161
02/13/08 Letter to Long Beach Mayor regarding FedEx flight
02/13/08 Letter to LAWA on Roundtable Facilitator Selection
02/13/08 Letter to Fed Ex on B727 Phase Out
02/13/08 Letter to ACRP on Research Suggestions
02/13/08 Commendation Letter for Water White
02/13/08 Commendation Letter for Walt Gillfillan
07/18/07 Letter to LAWA on Taxiway CC--with response
05/01/07 Letters to Congressional Reps on FAA Reauthorization Bill
05/01/07 Letter to LAWA on new NMS capabilities
05/01/07 Letter to ATA on Roundtable participation--with response
09/07/06 Letter to FAA supporting CDA procedure--with response
09/07/06 2nd Letter to FAA on Airspace Redesign Funding
02/08/06 1st Letter to FAA on Airspace Redesign Funding--with response
05/25/05 Recognition Letter for FAA--with response
05/25/05 Letter to City Attorney on Avigation Easements
02/09/05 Lettert to FAA commenting on FAA Order 5050.4B
01/26/05 Letter to Affected Communties on Turboprop East Departures
11/10/04 Letter to FAA commenting on 14 CFR Part 150
10/13/04 Letter to TRB suggesting research topics-- with response
10/13/04 Letter to COE suggesting research topics
04/14/04 Letter to Caltrans on Noise Variance--response included
03/17/04 Letter to FAA on RNAV for Turboprop East Departures--with response
02/11/04 Letter to U.S. DOT commenting on Stage 4 Noise Standards
02/11/04 Letter to FAA on Class B Airspace Modification
10/21/03 Letter to FAA regarding FedEx flight from LGB
05/21/03 Letter to UHA regarding membership
05/21/03 Letter to FAA on PV overflights--with response
02/12/03 Letter to U.S. DOT on SFR related to KWYET procedure
02/12/03 Letter to LAWA regarding FedEx flight from LGB
02/12/03 Letter to FAA on KWYET procedure
02/12/03 Letter to Congressman Rohrabacher on Roundtable participation
11/13/02 Letter to FAA on Monterey Park overflights
10/03/02 Thank you letters for Airlines participation on East Departures
10/03/02 Thank you letter to LAWA for arranging airlines to be at RT
07/31/02 Letter to Mayor Hahn on LAX Master Plan Alternative D
07/19/02 LAWA letters to airlines on East Departures--with responses
07/10/02 Letter to FAA on Go Around, LOOP, and Arrival Altitude
07/01/02 Letter to LAWA requesting arrangement for airlines participation
12/03/01 Letter to Congressional Reps on S. 633
12/03/01 Letter to Congressional Reps on H.R 2107
12/03/01 Invitation Letter to Carl Burleson
09/12/01 Letter to FAA on notification of FAA environmental actions
09/12/01 Letter to FAA on National Noise Policy

Meeting Recordings

Date Title
07/17/24 Meeting Recording 
05/15/24 Meeting Recording 
03/20/24 Meeting Recording 
01/17/24 Meeting Recording
11/15/23 Not Available
09/20/23 Meeting Recording 
07/19/23 Meeting Recording
05/17/23 Meeting Recording
03/15/23 Meeting Recording
01/18/23 Meeting Recording 
11/16/22 Meeting Recording 
09/21/22 Meeting Recording 
07/20/22 Meeting Recording 
05/18/22 Meeting Recording 
03/16/22 Meeting Recording 
01/19/22 Meeting Recording
11/17/21 Meeting Recording 
09/15/21 Meeting Recording
07/14/21 Meeting Recording
05/19/21 Meeting Recording 
03/10/21 Meeting Recording
01/20/21 Meeting Recording
11/18/20 Meeting Recording
09/16/20 Meeting Recording 
07/08/20 Meeting Recording
03/11/20 Meeting Recording 
01/08/20 Meeting Recording 
11/13/19 Not Available 
09/11/19 Meeting Recording 
07/10/19 Meeting Recording 
05/08/19 Meeting Recording 
03/13/19 Meeting Recording 
01/09/19 Not Available 
11/14/18 Meeting Recording
09/12/18 Meeting Recording - Audio Only
07/11/18 Meeting Recording - Audio Only 
05/09/18 Meeting Recording 
03/14/18 Meeting Recording
01/10/18 Not Available
11/08/17 Meeting Recording
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